Benny Meng is the curator of the Ving Tsun Museum in Dayton, Ohio. He trained under the Moy Yat lineage to Sifu status, and then trained under Yip Chun and Yip Ching. His unique position allows him to train with many of the top Wing Chun masters in the world. He currently trains in Hek Ki Boen Wing Chun under Kenneth Lin. His DVDs and books are some of the most popular in the Ving Tsun community. (Continued at bottom.)
Lineage 1: Yip Man -> Moy Yat-> Benny Meng (Disciple)
Lineage 2: Yip Man -> Ip Ching (and various VTAA Sifus) -> Benny Meng (Refinement)
Lineage 3: Dr. Wang Ming -> Garrett Gee -> Benny Meng (Disciple)
Lineage 4: The Kang Hai -> Kenneth Lin -> Benny Meng (Disciple)
Lineage 5: Studied under various other lineages, including Andreas Hoffman (Chi Sim Weng Chun).