Sifu Jon Rister has studied Wing Chun since 1985. He met Sifu Francis Fong (Jui Wan Lineage) in 1986 and became an instructor in under him in 1999. Although Sifu Jon was teaching Wing Chun as Jun Fan/Wing Chun Gung fu for many years prior(1989), he began to see that something was missing and so began in earnest to relearn the system properly from Sifu Fong... (bio Continued at the bottom of the page)
There is something special about Wing Chun, and Sifu Jon wants everyone to learn. He is a teacher and a student of the art. Get this unique perspective and be prepared to think deeply and challenge your base of knowledge.
Lineage: Yip Man -> Jui Wan* -> Francis Fong -> Jon Rister
(* Jui Wan also trained under Chan Wah Shun's son and his student Jiu Jow).
We recently sat down with Sifu Rister and asked him some questions about his training. You can read the interviews
here and
here. Very interesting to learn about his training with Francis Fong and Dan Inosanto.