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DOWNLOAD: Jon Rister - Joint Locks Vol 1 and 2
Jon Rister - Joint Locks Vol 1 and 2

This training program is directed at using pain compliance or joint destruction. We put together 12 basic joint locks and placed them in a flow. Typically joint lock/breaks work by straightening/over-straightening the joint/limb or bending and twisting. From a standpoint of self defense/survival it is to break the joint so the person can not continue to fight. Resolution: 720x480. Running Time: 68 mins total. Learn More >>
List Price: $92.00
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Sale Price: $45.00
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Availability: Digital Download Only
Product Code: EWC_JR110-JOINTLOCK1-2
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DOWNLOAD: Jon Rister - Joint Locks Vol 1 and 2

This training program directed at using pain compliance or joint destruction. We put together 12 basic joint locks and placed them in a flow. The flow is because typically joint lock/breaks work by straightening/over-straightening the joint/limb or bending and twisting. Typically if you bend the arm they will try to straighten it and if you straighten it they will bend it. The use of these is two fold the base premise from a martial arts standpoint is to get the person to give up the fight without hurting them too bad.

From a standpoint of self defense/survival it is to break the joint so the person can not continue to fight.

Note that some locks are less effective on some people and very effective on others with 12 locks in your skill set you should find at least 1 that works on anyone.

There are many locks and many ways to modify each lock these 12 are the ones we primarily use for standing locks. Also let it be known the person assisting is learning some of these with you.

Enjoy and remember practice, practice, practice.

Video 1 will contain 12 basic locks and how they work.
Video 2 will teach you some ways to get into those locks from a application oriented pathway.

Resolution: 720x480.
Running Time: 68 mins total.

Please note: This video is a seminar/workshop. The sound and picture quality is not that of a professional studio.

Sifu Jon Rister is a Wing Chun instructor under Sifu Francis Fong and has been teaching since 1987. He is also a certified senior associate instructor in Kali-Eskrima under Tuhon Dan Inosanto, as well as an instructor in Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do under Sifu�s Dan Inosanto and the late Larry B. Hartsell.
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