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Wayne Belonoha (Workshops and Extras)

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Leo Imamura - Seminar Dec 2015 - Hosted by Wayne Belonoha DOWNLOAD: Leo Imamura - Seminar Dec 2015 - Hosted by Wayne Belonoha

The Ving Tsun Experience seminar took place on December 18th 2015 at Wayne Belonoha's school in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In this seminar, grandmaster Imamura coordinates practice to illustrate a few of the key aspects which guide the Ving Tsun System. Grandmaster Imamura talks about, and gives drills to better understand and improve your...

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
Sale Price: $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - BUNDLE: Workshops 1-18 DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - BUNDLE: Workshops 1-18

​Save 35% when buying all 18 of Sifu Wayne Belonoha's workshop videos!

List Price: $629.82
Download Price $449.10
Sale Price: $289.00
You save $340.82!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Tanking  Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 01: Tanking

In this workshop, you will gain the ability to use your techniques in conjunction with your stance to uproot your opponents and have their attacks bounce off you. Tanking is also used to crush through your opponent�s unstructured techniques - nothing stops the tank.  Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 29 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Seminar -  Doi Yeng DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 02: Doi Yeng

The ving tsun strategy depends on 3 key elements, of which facing the enemy squarely - called Doi Yeng - is one. This 45 minute workshop clearly explains what is this key element and provides exercises that you can use to practice. Resolution: 1080pRunning Time: 45 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Faan Sau Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 03: Faan Sau 1

Sifu Wayne gives an educational one-hour workshop on The Complete Ving Tsun System's Faan Sau (replacing hands).You will learn: How to remain relaxed yet still deliver powerful blocks and attacks. How to control your opponent's hands and balance so you don't get hit. How to keep the path clear of light obstacles for your advancing footwork. How to change and flow around those obstacles that can not be moved. How to block and attack at the same time...

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Faan Sau Seminar/Workshop 2 DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 04: Faan Sau 2

This seminar was held by request due to the overwhelming demand for more information on Faan Sau. If you like the first video this one is for you - even more great info on Faan San.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Bong Sau  Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 05: Bong Sau

An entertaining and informative workshop on the three different types of Bong Sau. In this workshop, you and his other regular students will learn when to use each of the 3 different bong sau techniques. Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 35 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Chi Sau Styles Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 06: Styles of Chi Sau

In this workshop we explain the relationship between Yin/Yang, Wu Xing - the 5 Elements or the 5 Changing States of Being, and the 10 Celestial branches.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time: 1 hour 6 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Footwork Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 07: Stances and Rooting

Sifu Wayne again applies his unique brand of wit and instruction to provide you an hour of densely packed learning in this footwork seminar. He provides a ton of clear, helpful instruction to you. The quality of the video and sound is second to none, enabling you to see and hear the action packed demonstrations from multiple angles. Also you will get new drills and exercises that are guaranteed to help you focus in on and improve your balance, rootedness and groundpath.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Seminar - Free Sau (Warring Hands) Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 08: Gor Sau (Warring Hands)

Gor Sau, which we jokingly also call Free Sau (because you feel free of the constraining rules), is where we start to learn how to fight and is the precursor drill to maai san jong - which has even fewer rules and is even more closely resembles fighting.  Resolution: 1080pRunning Time: 22 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Hitting/Knockout Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 09: Striking/Knockout

The Ving Tsun strategy depends on being able to win a fight quickly - and the fastest way to do this is with a one-punch knockout.  This 30-minute workshop clearly explains how to knock out your opponent with one hit and provides exercises that you can use to practice the skills.  Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 28 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Attacking the Stance Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 10: Attacking the Stance

There is an old idiom - "No Horse, No Kung Fu". In this workshop, we teach you the top 5 methods of disrupting your opponent's horse to disrupt their ability to strike or block. When their foundation crumbles, so does their chance of defeating you. Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 28 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Controlling the Fight DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 11: Controlling the Fight

In this workshop video we learn and practice options for controlling the fight - to limit their options and make them fight according to our rules and our strategy. Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 37 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Fa Jing and Inch Power DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 12: Fa Jing and Inch Power

Fa Jin, or explosive short range power, is a key element of many high-level martial arts. Ving Tsun is well known for applying the short-range strike, often called the one-inch punch. However, this strike can be used with more than the punch and can have devastating effects.  Resolution: HD 1080p Running Time: 27 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Fight Strategy / Maai San Jong DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 13: Fight Strategy / Maai San Jong

The Maai San Jong puts everything together into a fight training drill - so you can train the same way you would fight. Don�t let there be a gap between fighting and training.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time: 50 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Soft Power DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 14: Soft Power

Soft power is the guaranteed way to defeat larger stronger opponents that throw hard power. Using strength to defeat strength has a cap on the types of opponents a person can defeat, and also the types of students that can be taught. With rooted soft power, even the heaviest of attacks can be redirected into a safe direction - setting up a perfect counter attack.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time 38 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Bong Geuk DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 15: Bong Geuk - Ving Tsun Kick Defense

In this workshop learn the basic, intermediate and advanced methods of applying ving tsun kick defenses. Whether your opponent is from a famous kicking style like Tae Kwon Do or Muai Thai, ving tsun has an answer. Learn how to maximize your chances of success against these experienced kickers with devastating power and speed. Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time 51 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Moy Fa Jong DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 16: Moy Fa Jong - Plum Flower Posts

In this workshop learn all three levels of the moy fa jong along with how to build your own. We will learn how to use this tool to improve all your legwork - from trapping and sweeping the legs to kicking. With the pinpoint accuracy, the fluidity of technique and improvement in power, you will have incredible leg skills as the ultimate partner to your incredible hand skills.  Resolution: HD 1080p   Running Time 21 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Technique Blending - Blended and Hybrid Techniques DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 17: Technique Blending

He Moves, I Move First is a wing chun idiom that is well understood to point the way toward blended and hybrid techniques. When the attacker changes and tries to get positional advantage, it's necessary to stay ahead of that change and cut it off. In order to do this, a higher degree of sensitivity and subtle changes in technique are required... Resolution: HD 1080p   Running Time 46 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Blindfold Chi Sao DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 18: Blindfold Chi Sao

Learn how to properly perform the blindfold chi sau drill to vastly improve your wing chun sensitivity and response. You can�t catch what you can't see - so excellent sensitivity is important. It's necessary to have the right response - instantly... Resolution: HD 1080p   Running Time 51 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Workshop 19: Preventing Emergencies DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 19: Preventing Emergencies

Pick up this video and learn how to make sure your techniques are solid and safe � and take advantage of the risks your opponent doesn�t know he�s taking. Resolution: 1080p. Running Time: 45 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Workshop 20: Inch Power DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 20: Inch Power

Take your inch power training and understanding to the next level. Learn how to use inch power in emergency situations and how to improve inch power accuracy and power using the wooden dummy. Clear descriptions of the ground path and whipping nature of the one inch punch will allow you to generate massive power in very short distances. Resolution: 1080p. Running Time: 60 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
Bundle - Wayne Belonoha - Ip Man Wing Chun System - Steps 01-108 (Blu-Ray) VIDEO: Wayne Belonoha - Ip Man System Wing Chun (IMSWC) Bundle (Blu-Ray)

This series covers the entire Ip Man/Moy Yat/Sunny Tang system of Ving Tsun in 108 steps. Three years in the making, each Blu-Ray disk takes you through 12 steps of the system, just as they are taught by Sifu Wayne in his schools.

List Price: $621.00
Our Price: $441.00
Physical DVD Sale: $310.00
You save $311.00!