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Wing Chun Illustrated Reviews (Prior Issues)

Here you will find the products that Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine has recently in the past. For the most recent items reviewed, please check the main category.
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Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - 00 - Wall Bag Training Exercises DOWNLOAD: Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - 00 - Wall Bag Training Exercises

In this video Sifu Taner will show you how to train with a wall bag, including: punching for speed, punching for power, punching drills, kicking, elbows, iron palm strikes and knees.

List Price: $69.99
Download Price $4.99
You save $65.00!
Chu Shong Tin - 1999 Seminar DVD - Siu Nim Tao & Chi Sao VIDEO: Chu Shong Tin - 1999 Seminar - Siu Nim Tao & Chi Sao

This video provides lots of practical insight into the fundamentals of the Siu Nim Tao form and the principles of Chi Sao practice. Strength and youth are fleeting, but the understanding of Mind Force would certainly allow one to express the full benefits of Wing Chun as one declines physically.

List Price: $49.99
Our Price: $34.99
Physical DVD Sale: $9.00
You save $40.99!
Chu Shong Tin - 2003 Seminar DVD - Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Chi Sao VIDEO: Chu Shong Tin - 2003 Seminar - Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Chi Sao

The master is back! This time, Yip Man's 3rd Hong Kong Disciple, Chu Shong Tin (a.k.a. the King of Sil Lum Tao), teaches you Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu and Chi Sao for an hour on each topic! This is a must have video!

List Price: $49.99
Our Price: $34.99
Physical DVD Sale: $9.00
You save $40.99!
Chu Shong Tin - 2004 Seminar DVD - Three Forms and Chi Sao VIDEO: Chu Shong Tin - 2004 Seminar - Three Forms and Chi Sao

Chu Shong Tin (a.k.a. the King of Sil Lum Tao), gives you pointers on Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu and Biu Gee for an hour and discusses Chi Sao for another hour!

List Price: $49.99
Our Price: $34.99
Physical DVD Sale: $9.00
You save $40.99!
Andreas Hoffman - 18 Kiu Sao of Weng Chun DOWNLOAD: Andreas Hoffmann - 18 Kiu Sao of Weng Chun

At the heart of the Weng Chun style are the 18 Kiu Sao strategies. In Weng Chun Kung Fu, the bridge (Kiu) means that the Weng Chun fighter always adopts a position with respect to the attacker.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $12.99
You save $16.96!
DOWNLOAD: Markus Schinhammer - Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu DOWNLOAD: Markus Schinhammer - Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu

Like a key that is used to unlock a door, this video can be used to decrypt and demonstrate the hidden applications and the power of the Ip Man Wing Chun system.
Resolution: 1024 x 576 - Running Time: 63 minutes

List Price: $29.99
Download Price $12.99
You save $17.00!
Tony Chan - Wing Chun Free Fighting 1 DVD DOWNLOAD: Tony Chan - Wing Chun Free Fighting 1

Tony Chan gets straight to the point and brings you Wing Chun fighting techniques you can use right now!

List Price: $39.99
Download Price $14.99
You save $25.00!
Mohammed Ince - Wing Tsun Self Defense DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD: Mohammed Ince - Wing Tsun Self Defense

Wing Tsun is an elaborate system which provides an answer to each sort of attack. But it certainly requires a lot of hard work to learn and master. My goal is to teach Wing Tsun in its purest form and I want it to function as the martial art it is at its very core. It must combine both efficiency and intransigency so you can bring an emergency situation to an end quickly. Sifu Ince presents more than 40 variations of attacks during street fights and which replies Wing Tsun offers to these.    Resolution: 1024x576. Length: 40 min.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $14.99
You save $20.00!
Randy Williams - Budo DVD 05 - Wooden Dummy Vol 2 - Sections 3-7 DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - Budo 05 - Wooden Dummy Vol 2 - Sections 3-7

In this second video, Sifu Williams continues onward teaching sections 3-7 of the wooden dummy form. As in the previous volume, each section taught incorporates the corresponding applications to combat.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $15.99
You save $19.00!
TAOWS Academy 02 - Advanced Wing Tsun DOWNLOAD TAOWS Academy 02 - Advanced Wing Tsun

This video focuses on the wooden dummy and how it influences all of the Wing Tsun practice. Given that the wooden dummy form is taught at the final levels of the actual system of today, most practitioners that leave the system before time don't have the opportunity to know the ideas and concepts hidden within the form, and they cannot incorporate them in their practice.   Resolution: 1024x576. Length: 1 hour 9 min.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $15.99
You save $19.00!
Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun First Form: Sil Lim Tao DOWNLOAD: Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun First Form: Sil Lim Tao

The first Wing Chun form explained from the official fight choreographer of the Ip Man Movies.  Running Time: 44 mins Resolution: 1280 x 720

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $16.99
You save $13.00!
Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun Second Form: Chum Kiu DOWNLOAD: Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun Second Form: Chum Kiu

In Chum Kiu you will learn how to totally destroy your opponent's defense first before you go in to deal with them.  Running Time: 34 mins Resolution: 1280 x 720

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $16.99
You save $13.00!
Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun: Chi Sau DOWNLOAD: Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun: Chi Sau

Chi Sau is a form of sensitivity training and Sifu Leo will explain the purpose and benefit of each application and how it can help in a combat situation. Running Time: 25 mins. Resolution: 1280 x 720

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $19.99
Sale Price: $16.99
You save $13.00!
James Sinclair - Master's Class DVD 2: Wall Bag - Wing Chun DOWNLOAD: James Sinclair - 21st Anniversary Celebratory Conference

Contained herein are demos, interviews, and seminars that took place at the 21st Anniversary Celebratory Conference. This video is jammed packed with info.

List Price: $24.99
Download Price $17.99
You save $7.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 27 - Chi Sao - Reactivating Your Joints For Great Chi Sao Training DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 27 - Chi Sao - Reactivating Your Joints For Great Chi Sao Training

Using Chi Sao exercises in a very specific manner teaches the body how to loosen up and be much more reactive and lighter...

List Price: $23.99
Download Price $18.99
You save $5.00!
Joseph Lee - Wing Chun Attack and Counter Attack VIDEO: Joseph Lee - Wing Chun Attack and Counter Attack

Drawing on more than twenty years experience, Sifu Joseph Lee reveals the attacking and countering potential of Wing Chun. Covering basic techniques, chi sau, drills, locks, takedowns and legwork, Sifu Lee shows the principles and application of attacking and countering within every aspect of Wing Chun.

List Price: $39.99
Our Price: $31.99
Physical DVD Sale: $19.00
You save $20.99!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 01 - Basics Part 1: Structure & Footwork DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 01 - Basics Part 1: Structure & Footwork

Randy Williams gives insightful instruction on the basic stance, the eight punches and the eight palm strikes of Wing Chun. Elbow strikes and blocking motions are covered as are the five basic moving stances. In addition, you will learn the footwork necessary to get the most from the other videos in this series.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 02 - Basics Part 2: Combat Theory & Kicks DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 02 - Basics Part 2: Combat Theory & Kicks

Basics Part 2 covers step-by-step explanations of the mixed footwork patterns used to develop body unity, the centerline theory, the concept of reference, the cutting angle, complex motions and simultaneous defense and attack. Also covered are Wing Chun's invisible kick principal and the use of the rattan ring!

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 04 - Combat Drills Part 2: Advanced Blocks and Traps DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 04 - Combat Drills Part 2: Advanced Blocks and Traps

Covers slow attack drills, four line changing, simultaneous attack and defense, trapping and kicking, Woo Sau cutting angle defense, Fon Sau drill for quickness and economy of movement, Lop Sau, Wing Chun's timing and trapping drill, Gahng Gyeuk, a 6-part shin/knee/calf toughening exercise and others.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 05 - Chee Sau Concepts & Strategies Part 1: Single Stick and Rolling DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 05 - Chee Sau Concepts & Strategies Part 1: Single Stick and Rolling

This video covers Look Sau, the famous double rolling arms cycle of Wing chun. Single sticky hand and inside and outside whip cycles are demonstrated, as well as basic three-part sensitivity drills. All are clearly shown with and without the specific footwork, to make these techniques easier to learn and apply!

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 06 - Chee Sau Concepts & Strategies Part 2: Combat Sticky Hands DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 06 - Chee Sau Concepts & Strategies Part 2: Combat Sticky Hands

Randy takes you to new heights with the ultimate in Look Sau rolling arms techniques: 25 Gwoh Sau combat/attack combinations as well as 2 response chains. All designed to allow you to handle the multiple variations and possible outcomes of an attack.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 11 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 1: Combat Principles DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 11 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 1: Combat Principles

An explanation of important Wing Chun fighting principles, such as the open/closed relationship, plant/trap/hit, the yin cutting angle, combat attitude, body unity and more. Also included are a number of fighting techniques, demonstrated at speed and in detailed slow-motion.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
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DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 12 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 2: Straight Punches & Kicks DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 12 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 2: Straight Punches & Kicks

Randy continues to demonstrate fighting techniques against the jab, the 1-2, and a variety of different kicks.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 13 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 3: Emergency Defenses DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 13 - Close-Range Combat Techniques Part 3: Emergency Defenses

Starts off with a unique warm-up series, then continues with fighting techniques against a variety of punching combinations, as well as different grabs, rear attacks and other self-defence situations.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 24 - Chum Kiu Combat Techniques DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - WCGF 24 - Chum Kiu Combat Techniques

Combat sticky hand engagements highlighting Chum Kiu principles in application, including Choh Ma Cheh Kuen, Jeen Kuen, Pai Jahng, Soang Jahng, Chum Jahng, Jeep Sau, waist trap, Lon Sau, Boang Sau neckbreak, Ngoy Doy Gock Kuen, exclusion, Jing Ma, Jing Gyeuk, Ngoy Tiu Gyeuk, leakage attacks, Chum Kiu, Chau Kuen, Pon Geng Sau, Lop Fook Sau, Wahng Gyeuk, Loy Tiu Gyeuk, Loy Doy Gock Gyeuk and more.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.95
You save $10.00!
Tony Massengill - Concrete Arena Close Quarters Combat DVD Vol. 1 - Striking Methods DOWNLOAD: Tony Massengill - Concrete Arena Close Quarters Combat Vol. 1 - Striking Methods

Master Massengill introduces the viewer to his No B.S. approach to "Real World" application of the Martial Arts that has made him a very popular private group and seminar instructor. Covered is the "Short Range Punch" made popular by Bruce Lee as the "1 inch punch". Also covered is a fight ending strike so sneaky it just isn't fair to the violent street predator, but then, who wants to be fair to your attacker!

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $19.99
You save $9.96!
Tony Massengill - Wing Chun - Training Drills DVD DOWNLOAD: Tony Massengill - Wing Chun - Training Drills

Two of the things which sets Wing Chun apart from many other systems is the principles upon which it is built and the way it is trained. In this video, 3rd Generation Ip Man Family Wing Chun Lineage Master Instructor Tony Massengill presents the keys to effective training for developing Conditioned Reflex in fighting techniques.

List Price: $24.95
Download Price $19.99
You save $4.96!
Tony Massengill - Combat Chin Na DVD DOWNLOAD: Tony Massengill - Combat Chin Na

In this video, Master Tony Massengill presents a practical, application-based examination of the principles and techniques of Combat Chin Na. The techniques of Chin Na are not for the squeamish!

List Price: $24.95
Our Price: $24.95
You save $4.96!
Chung Kwok Chow - IWCARF 03 - Close Range Stick Hands (Integrative Wing Chun All-Range Fighting Series) DOWNLOAD: Chung Kwok Chow - IWCARF 03 - Close Range Stick Hands

This video shows how to expand your sticky hand technique to long and short range fighting. Includes: Easy-to-follow drills, Wing Chun footwork, powerful Wing Chun low kicks and effective entering techniques.

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $19.99
You save $10.00!
Shaolin Wing Chun Series: Level 1 Vol 1 DVD DOWNLOAD: VTM - Shaolin Wing Chun Series: Level 1 Vol 1

This video presents a curriculum based on the principles and theories of the Wing Chun science. It examines motions, techniques, forms, concepts, applications, body methods, theories and tactics.

List Price: $29.45
Download Price $22.99
You save $6.46!
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 5-6: Biu Ji DOWNLOAD: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 5-6: Biu Ji

The Biu Ji set focuses on maximum power generation and focusing power to the extremities, such as the fingers, forearm, elbow, etc. The second focus of the set is on "Gau Gap Sau" (Emergency Hand), training you to recover from bad positions.

List Price: $29.45
Download Price $22.99
You save $6.46!
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 7: Dummy Section 1-4 DOWNLOAD: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 7: Dummy Section 1-4

Meng explains the nature of the Muk Yan Jong, and gives details of the proper structure, position, energy and application of each movement. Sections 1-4 are clearly demonstrated and explained.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $22.99
You save $6.96!
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 8: Dummy Section 5-8 DOWNLOAD: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 8: Dummy Section 5-8

Meng continues on the details of proper structure, position, energy and application of each movement. Sections 5-8 are clearly demonstrated and explained.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $22.99
You save $6.96!
DOWNLOAD: Wing Chun Masters Vol 3 - Robert Chu and Wan Kam Leung DOWNLOAD: Wing Chun Masters Vol 3 - Robert Chu and Wan Kam Leung

Interviews and demonstrations with Wing Chun masters Robert Chu and Wan Kam Leung.

List Price: $29.95
Download Price $24.95
You save $5.00!
(Download Only) Sam Chan - Wing Chun Terminology DOWNLOAD: Sam Chan - Wing Chun Terminology

Sam Chan covers Wing Chun terminology with you in the native Cantonese with spoken English translations for all the 3 forms, weapons and dummy.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
Wong Shun Leung's Chum Kiu and Wooden Dummy Seminar (1996 VTAA) DOWNLOAD: Wong Shun Leung - Sil Lum Tao Seminar

RARE footage of Wong Shun Leung teaching Sil Lum Tao at the VTAA in 1996. This footage has sold out twice before and could be pulled from the market at any time!

List Price: $74.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $50.00!
Leo Imamura - Seminar Dec 2015 - Hosted by Wayne Belonoha DOWNLOAD: Leo Imamura - Seminar Dec 2015 - Hosted by Wayne Belonoha

The Ving Tsun Experience seminar took place on December 18th 2015 at Wayne Belonoha's school in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. In this seminar, grandmaster Imamura coordinates practice to illustrate a few of the key aspects which guide the Ving Tsun System. Grandmaster Imamura talks about, and gives drills to better understand and improve your...

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
Sale Price: $24.99
You save $15.01!
Sunny Tang - Ving Tsun Kung Fu - 30th Anniversary - Ving Tsun Comprehensive DOWNLOAD: Sunny Tang - 30th Anniversary Ving Tsun Comprehensive

In this exciting volume, Master Sunny Tang highlights all 4 Empty Hand Forms, including several techniques from the Mook Yan Jong Form, as well as their never before seen application in the ever elusive Chi Sai "Sticky Hands." Also taught in this edition is the explosive Bik Mah "Jamming" in Horse Stance Technique.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Chi Sau Styles Seminar/Workshop DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 06: Styles of Chi Sau

In this workshop we explain the relationship between Yin/Yang, Wu Xing - the 5 Elements or the 5 Changing States of Being, and the 10 Celestial branches.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time: 1 hour 6 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 17 - Methods For Sparring DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 17 - Methods For Sparring

Sifu Fernandez shows various methods of conditioning and helping the average person improve his skills in combat, & learning the ...

List Price: $29.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $5.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 31 - Training with Focus Pads DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 31 - Training with Focus Pads

We show you how to train and gain great coordination, increased speed and timing, and of course, increased power...

List Price: $29.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $5.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Fight Strategy / Maai San Jong DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 13: Fight Strategy / Maai San Jong

The Maai San Jong puts everything together into a fight training drill - so you can train the same way you would fight. Don’t let there be a gap between fighting and training.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time: 50 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Soft Power DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 14: Soft Power

Soft power is the guaranteed way to defeat larger stronger opponents that throw hard power. Using strength to defeat strength has a cap on the types of opponents a person can defeat, and also the types of students that can be taught. With rooted soft power, even the heaviest of attacks can be redirected into a safe direction - setting up a perfect counter attack.  Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time 38 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
Randy Williams - Biu Jitsu - Wing Chun Ground Fighting 1 DOWNLOAD: Randy Williams - Biu Jitsu - Wing Chun Ground Fighting 1

Vol 1: Preliminaries. Randy covers the "guard", "mount" and the takedown, showing over 50 "Biu Jitsu" techniques in step-by-step detail. Suitable for anyone, from the beginner to the advanced Wing Chun practitioner.

List Price: $39.99
Our Price: $24.99
You save $15.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Bong Geuk DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 15: Bong Geuk - Ving Tsun Kick Defense

In this workshop learn the basic, intermediate and advanced methods of applying ving tsun kick defenses. Whether your opponent is from a famous kicking style like Tae Kwon Do or Muai Thai, ving tsun has an answer. Learn how to maximize your chances of success against these experienced kickers with devastating power and speed. Resolution: HD 1080p  Running Time 51 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
(Download Only!) - Wayne Belonoha - WBVTS - Technique Blending - Blended and Hybrid Techniques DOWNLOAD: Wayne Belonoha - Workshop 17: Technique Blending

He Moves, I Move First is a wing chun idiom that is well understood to point the way toward blended and hybrid techniques. When the attacker changes and tries to get positional advantage, it's necessary to stay ahead of that change and cut it off. In order to do this, a higher degree of sensitivity and subtle changes in technique are required... Resolution: HD 1080p   Running Time 46 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
Phil Romero - Wing Chun Combat Training: Breaking Structure DOWNLOAD: Phil Romero - Wing Chun Combat Training: Breaking Structure

Sifu Phil Romero teaches advanced level Wing Chun to break and opponent's structure in this video. Using the Wing Chun stance Sifu Romero demonstrates how to break structural strength to weaken and defeat an opponent's attack. Sifu Romero shares lesser known Wing Chun methods, as well as surgical and precise counters, and the essential tactics to countering large attackers. Resolution: 640x480 - 37 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Stephen Joffe - Wing Chun vs Grapplers DOWNLOAD: Stephen Joffe - Wing Chun vs Grapplers

In this video, Sifu Joffe demonstrates how to counter a grappler's attempt at take downs. Self-defense applications focus on intercepting the wrestler's lunge attack and using Wing Chun structure to off-balance and counter with strikes.   Resolution: 720x480 - 51 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
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DOWNLOAD: Stephen Joffe - Wing Chun vs Knife and Multiple Attackers

Features include: 
- Coming Soon

Run Time: 47 minutes
Resolution: 720x480 (DVD Quality)
Publisher: Wing Chun Fight Club

The Wing Chun Fight Club was established in 2002 DOWNLOAD: Stephen Joffe - Wing Chun vs Knife and Multiple Attackers

In this video, Sifu Joffe demonstrates key self-defense applications against knife attacks. Instruction begins with changing the center line facing to effect timing and range to follow up with elbow, palm and knee counters. As a bonus Sifu Joffe demonstrates self-defense against multiple attackers. Resolution: 720x480 - 47 mins.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
Phil Romero - Wing Chun 5 Elements Seminar DOWNLOAD: Phil Romero - Wing Chun 5 Element Seminar

A deep dive into details of structure and advanced combat, Sifu Phil Romero presents an insightful Wing Chun lecture covering the lesser known aspects of Wing Chun combat. Resolution: 720x480 - 52 mins

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $24.99
You save $10.00!
WVTAA - Chow Tze Chuen Interview DOWNLOAD: Darrell Jordan - WVTAA Chow Tze Chuen Interview

Grandmaster Chow demonstrates various Ving Tsun concepts and answers questions candidly and in great detail. He uses his lifetime of experiences and memories to chronicle his Ving Tsun Journey. The interview was conducted at the school of Grandmaster Chow and interpreted by Ving Tsun Master Donald Mak.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $25.00
You save $25.00!
Vik Hothi - Attribute Building for Devastating Kicks DOWNLOAD: Vik Hothi - Attribute Building for Devastating Kicks

The Attribute Building for Devastating Kicks video series is designed for all levels of students that want to learn how to increase their kicking ability and dexterity in their legs, there will be something new for everyone.

List Price: $37.00
Download Price $26.99
You save $10.01!
Gary Lam - Foundation Fortress: Uncovering The Hidden Principles Of The Siu Nim Tau DVD: Gary Lam - Foundation Fortress: Uncovering The Hidden Principles Of The Siu Nim Tau

For the first time ever on video, Sifu Gary Lam explores the underlying  structures and principles inherent within the Siu Nim Tau form.  He  uncovers the subtleties of the Siu Nim Tau that can mean the difference between victory and defeat in the combat arena.  In  addition, he reveals the six basic actions to "borrow power from the  ground".  If you think you know everything there is to know about the  Siu Nim Tau, be forewarned, you have only been scraping the surface.

List Price: $28.00
Our Price: $27.95
You save $0.05!
Gary Lam - Wing Chun Fighting Strategy DVD: Gary Lam - Fighting Strategy

Sifu Gary Lam's insight on the skills, the plans and the tips you need to improve your overall fighting. Each insight is based on his personal fighting experiences.

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $28.95
You save $1.04!
Clive Potter - DVD 1: Siu Lin Tao Seminar (Wing Chun) DOWNLOAD: Clive Potter - 1: Siu Lin Tao Seminar

An in-depth study of the Ving Tsun first form. The Siu Lin Tao form is explained with comprehensive explanations and examples. Contains private footage of Wong Shun Leung doing some of Sil Lum Tao.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $28.99
You save $21.01!
Clive Potter - DVD 3: Wooden Dummy Seminar (Wing Chun) DOWNLOAD: Clive Potter - 3: Wooden Dummy Seminar

An in-depth study of the Ving Tsun wooden dummy form. The entire form is explained with comprehensive explanations and examples. Contains private footage of Wong Shun Leung demonstrating the dummy.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $28.99
You save $21.01!
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 11: 8 Slashing Sword (Pat Cham To) VIDEO: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 11: 8 Slashing Sword (Pat Cham To)

This is the eleventh in a series of videos presented by the Ving Tsun Museum on the Yip Man system. In the Yip Man lineage, very few students or instructors learned the Baat Jam Dou or Eight Slashing Knives directly from the late Grand Master. This represents the end of the system, and is the first time Grand Master Benny Meng has taught the knives to martial artists outside his direct school. This video exposes the secrets of Wing Chun knife tactics and real application for the first time to the public.

List Price: $29.99
Our Price: $28.99
You save $1.00!
Clive Potter - DVD 2:  Chum Kiu Seminar (Wing Chun) DOWNLOAD: Clive Potter - 2: Chum Kiu Seminar

An in-depth study of the Ving Tsun second form. The entire Chum Kiu form is explained with comprehensive explanations and examples. Contains private footage of Wong Shun Leung doing some of Chum Kiu.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $28.99
You save $21.01!
Ip Man Wing Chun Series 9: Luk Dim Boon Kwan - Wing Chun Long Pole VIDEO: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 9: Luk Dim Boon Kwan - Wing Chun Long Pole

Covers the history of the pole, basic exercises to prepare you to use the pole, fundamental movements such as stances and footwork, individual techniques, the sequence of the form itself and, most importantly, the concepts behind the term.

Our Price: $29.45
Wing Chun Application Series 01: Trapping Hands VIDEO: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 10: Trapping Hands

This is the first in a new series of Wing Chun Application films by the Ving Tsun Museum. This new series moves away from the more formal and technical, systematic training of Wing Chun and into a new territory, unlocking the effective fighting skills of this great martial art system.

Our Price: $29.45
Sam Chan - Sil Lum Tao and Chum Kiu Ip Ching Seminar DVD VIDEO: Sam Chan - Foundations of Wing Chun - Ip Ching Seminar

In a rare trip to the United States, Master Ip Ching explains the theories and principles of the first two hand forms of Wing Chun, Siu Lim Tau and Chum Kiu. Master Ip Ching walks the students through each form.

List Price: $34.99
Our Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $29.95
You save $5.04!
Sam Chan - Biu Gee DVD VIDEO: Sam Chan - Biu Gee

Biu Gee teaches the practitioner to focus all of their energy into a single strike, developing devastating power. Biu Gee training includes a deep understanding of Wing Chun theories and principles. This video takes a detailed look at the techniques and applications learned in the Biu Gee form.

Our Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $29.95
You save $5.04!
Sam Chan - Lok Dim Boon Gwan DVD VIDEO: Sam Chan - Lok Dim Boon Gwan

The Lok Dim Boon Gwan form can greatly increase the stability of stances, body movement, thrusting power, as well as strengthening the fingers, wrists, arms, shoulders and upper body. The techniques are very fast and powerful, striking directly toward an opponent with no wasted motion.

Our Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $29.95
You save $5.04!
Sam Chan - Chi Sao Level 2 DVD VIDEO: Sam Chan - Chi Sao Level 2

In this intermediate level Chi Sau video, Master Chan guides you through 25 easy to learn lessons. This video combines the skills of Sil Lim Tau, Chum Kiu, Mok Jong and Biu Gee to help students learn the applications from all the hand forms through Chi Sau training.

Our Price: $34.99
Sale Price: $29.95
You save $5.04!
Samuel Kwok - Mastering Wing Chun - Ip Man's Kung Fu Vol 15 - Self-Defense Seminar 2 DOWNLOAD: Samuel Kwok - Mastering Wing Chun Vol 15 - Self-Defense Seminar 2

Learn how to avoid bad situations on the street by using simple and effective strategies. One step techniques proven to defeat your opponent and allow you to escape. Wing Chun originally invented by a small women teaches us how to misdirect our opponents power and turn it against them. Grandmaster Kwok simplifies those techniques for the average person. TRT 46 Mins.  HD 1080P.

List Price: $37.49
Download: $29.95
You save $7.54!
Bundle - Wong Shun Leung - Wing Chun Set DOWNLOAD: Bundle - Wong Shun Leung - Wing Chun Collection

Wong Shun Leung's rare footage 1996 VTAA Seminar and Chum Kiu and Dummy clips. Buy both videos together and save.

List Price: $149.98
Download Price $29.99
You save $119.99!
Sunny Tang - Ving Tsun Kung Fu - 45th Anniversary Celebration DVD DOWNLOAD: Sunny Tang - 45th Anniversary Ving Tsun Celebration

A special edition instructional video in celebration of 45 years of Ving Tsun. Never before seen footage of Grandmaster Sunny Tang (Deng Hwa / Dun Wah). Featuring: all three hand forms, the wooden dummy form, Ving Tsun idioms, and hand applications.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $5.00!
Alan Orr - Wing Chun Body Structure Sparring DVD 1: Fundamental Skills I - The Key to Controlling Your Opponent DOWNLOAD: Alan Orr - Body Structure Sparring 01: The Key to Controlling Your Opponent

The Key to Controlling Your Opponent' will show you the perfect angles for attack and neutralizing your opponents skill.

List Price: $59.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $30.00!
Alan Orr - Wing Chun Body Structure Sparring DVD 2: Fundamental Skills II - Footwork and Body Structure Power Punching DOWNLOAD: Alan Orr - Body Structure Sparring 02: Footwork and Body Structure Power Punching

Footwork and Body Structure Power Punching' will show how to control your opponent, how to develop really devastating punching power, how to develop lightning footwork and how to step through your opponent like he wasn't even there.

List Price: $59.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $30.00!
Rick Spain - Wing Chun Footwork DVD (PAL) DOWNLOAD: Rick Spain - Wing Chun Footwork

A study of the Wing Chun footwork system from lunge steps to shuffle steps to our unique cutting steps and more.

List Price: $39.95
Download Price $29.99
You save $9.96!
VIDEO: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 13: San Da - Wing Chun Fighting Applications Part 1 VIDEO: VTM - Ip Man Wing Chun Series 13: San Da - Wing Chun Fighting Applications Part 1

Master Benny Meng gives you what you need to know to put your techniques into operation against an uncooperative opponent in a free environment where kicks, strikes, takedowns, sweeps, throws, and joint controls are all part of the game. Approx 1 hour.

Our Price: $29.99
Chuck O'Neill - Wing Chun: Biu Ji Form DVD DOWNLOAD: Chuck O'Neill - Wing Chun: Biu Ji Form

Sifu Chuck takes you step-by-step through the form, providing plenty of details, 2 different viewing angles to give you a better perspective. Using 2 different colored arm bands so you can easily follow along and learn with him.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $5.00!
Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form 1 - Sections 1-4 DOWNLOAD: Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form 1 - Sections 1-4

You will be learn the Fourth form in the Wing Chun System - Muk Yang Jong (aka Wooden Dummy).Sifu Chuck takes you step-by-step through the first four sections of the form, providing plenty of details, 3 different viewing angles to give you a better perspective. Using 2 different colored arm bands and color coded dummy arms so you can easily follow along and learn with him. Also included the rarely seen Empty Jong Form!

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $5.00!
Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form 2 - Sections 5-8 DOWNLOAD: Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form 2 - Sections 5-8

Sifu Chuck takes you step-by-step through the last four sections of the Dummy form, providing plenty of details, 3 different viewing angles to give you a better perspective.

List Price: $34.99
Download Price $29.99
You save $5.00!
Ip Chun - Wooden Dummy Techniques and Applications DVD - Wing Chun DOWNLOAD: Ip Chun - Wooden Dummy Techniques and Applications

Wooden Man form (2 angles), Wing Chun history, the air dummy, techniques from the dummy, Chi Sao, Sil Lum Tao, Chum Kiu, and Biu Jee, Ip Man 8mm Footage of Sil Lum Tao, Ip Man 8mm Footage of Chum Kiu.

List Price: $40.00
Our Price: $29.99
You save $10.01!
WVTAA - 1995 Ving Tsun Workshop with Sifu Paulo Lampis DOWNLOAD: Darrell Jordan - WVTAA 1995 Ving Tsun Workshop with Sifu Paulo Lampis

Sifu Paolo Lampis conducted a Ving Tsun workshop for the students of his older kung fu brother, Sifu Darrell Jordan in 1995. The workshop covers many topics including sticking leg, sticking hands, basic drills, stretching and various conditioning exercises.  TRT 4 Hours.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $30.00
You save $20.00!
WVTAA - Wing Chun Collective, a Seminar by Steve Goericke VIDEO: Darrell Jordan - WVTAA Wing Chun Collective, a Seminar by Steve Goericke

Sifu Darrell Jordan makes available for the first time a lecture that was conducted in 1995 by his older, and most influential Kung Fu brother, Sifu Steve Goericke.

List Price: $60.00
Our Price: $57.00
Physical DVD Sale: $30.00
You save $30.00!
Moy Yat - Wooden Dummy DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Wooden Dummy

This video includes rare footage of the late Moy Yat explaining the concepts, techniques and proper movements of the Muk Jong Form. This video is the first of its kind that captures the authentic teaching of late Grandmaster Moy Yat.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Chum Kiu DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Chum Kiu

A lifelong disciple of Yip Man, Sifu Moy Yat explains the purpose and concepts of Chum Kiu. This instructional video given by the late Master is one-of-a-kind, with never before seen footage of Moy Yat.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Gerk Jong DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Gerk Jong

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat covers the Gerk Jong and general kicking topics.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Luk Dim Boon Kwan DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Luk Dim Boon Kwan

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat covers the long pole.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Chi Sao II DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Chi Sao II

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat covers Chi Sao.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Chi Sao III DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Chi Sao III

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat covers Chi Sao III.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Fan Sao DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Moy Yat Talks (Fan Sau, San Sau, Sifu)

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat covers fan sao, san sao, and Sifu. Also, extra on-topic footage from the same seminar is included

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - A Trace of Ving Tsun Roots 1 DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - A Trace of Ving Tsun Roots 1

In this rare video, the roots of Ving Tsun are explored.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - A Trace of Ving Tsun Roots 2 DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - A Trace of Ving Tsun Roots 2

In this rare video, the roots of Ving Tsun are explored with a trip to China.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Yip Man DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Yip Man

In this rare video, the late Grandmaster Moy Yat tells you about his Sifu, Yip Man.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Moy Yat - Tsui Ma DOWNLOAD: Moy Yat - Tsui Ma

Tsui Ma, or 'push horse', is one of the fundamental skills in Ving Tsun development. This step-by-step guide focuses on developing power from the legs and transmitting it into the hands. Presented by Grand Master Moy Yat.

List Price: $40.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.01!
Alan Orr - NHB Wing Chun DVD 3: Body Structure Extreme Chi Sao 1 DOWNLOAD: Alan Orr - NHB Wing Chun 03: Body Structure Extreme Chi Sao 1

Includes: Correct Wing Chun body structure alignment - The most important area of Chi Sao! Body turning, the right way - The most misunderstood concept in Wing Chun! Kinetic linking and the key to developing Wing Chun skill.

List Price: $50.00
Download Price $34.99
You save $15.01!
James Sinclair - Master's Class DVD 2: Wall Bag - Wing Chun DOWNLOAD: James Sinclair - MasterClass 2: Wall Bag

Here, in this authoritative video, the principles and applications are discussed alongside general hand and leg techniques. 47 chapters of detailed information on conditioning, punching, bag work and much more.

List Price: $45.99
Download Price $34.99
You save $11.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 14 - Spiral Power Development DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 14 - Spiral Power Development

In these lessons Sifu Fernandez goes into great detail explaining one of the most important and 'overlooked' components in Wing Chun...

List Price: $39.99
Download Price $34.99
You save $5.00!
PVT Group - WSL Ving Tsun - Core Concepts DVD: PVT Group - WSL Ving Tsun - Core Concepts

The WSL crowd has been raving over the new PVT Group video making it one of the hottest new videos to hit the streets in a long time.  Grab a copy today and see what everyone is raving about! Learn about the Proper Ving Tsun Straight Punch, Footwork, Correct Angle, Street Application, and more!

List Price: $38.00
Our Price: $37.50
You save $0.50!
Greg LeBlanc - Wing Chun Mechanics Vol.1 - Universal Principles for Effective In-Fighting DVD: Greg LeBlanc - Wing Chun Mechanics - Universal Principles for Effective In-Fighting

Succinct descriptions of the core principles and concepts of Wing Chun. Wing Chun properly defined is not technique driven, but rather is a training methodology for refining bio-mechanically sound structure and reflexes for delivering debilitating attacks to the opponents most vulnerable targets.

Our Price: $37.95
William Cheung - Chi Sao and BOEC Sparring Seminar DOWNLOAD: William Cheung - Chi Sao and BOEC Sparring Seminar

This video on Chi Sao and BOEC Sparring was filmed at one of Grandmaster Cheung's New Jersey seminars. He covers controlling the elbow to control the blind-side of the opponent and how to apply this in multiple scenarios.

List Price: $59.95
Download Price $39.95
You save $20.00!
William Cheung - Tasmanian Wing Chun Summer Camp 2014 DOWNLOAD: William Cheung - Tasmanian Wing Chun Summer Camp 2014

This video contains footage of Grandmaster William Cheung's 2014 Wing Chun Kung Fu Summer Camp held at the Far South Wilderness camp in Tasmania. Topics are varied, but cover techniques, drills, self-defense, chi sao, and more.

List Price: $59.95
Download Price $39.95
You save $20.00!
(Download Only) Steve Barninger - Anatomy and Physiology for Wing Chun Excellence DOWNLOAD: Steve Barninger - Anatomy and Physiology for Wing Chun Excellence

These videos cut to the core of human structure and function, as it pertains to Wing Chun. Owning and absorbing the information in these lectures will add an extra measure of excellence to your skills.

List Price: $85.99
Download Price $39.99
You save $46.00!
Jonathan Petree - Complete Wall Bag Training Regimen For Developing Striking Power DOWNLOAD: Jonathan Petree - Complete Wall Bag Training Regimen For Developing Striking Power

For the first time, the founder of Atlantic Warriors is revealing to the public the intricacies, and secrets, of how to develop penetrating power via the Wing Chun wall bag. Step right into the classroom, and get step-by-step instruction as if you were in a private lesson. He will walk you through the process from the very beginning..

List Price: $59.99
Download Price $39.99
You save $20.00!
Ian Protheroe - The Wing Chun Fighting System of Sifu Ian Protheroe DVD DOWNLOAD: Ian Protheroe - The Wing Chun Fighting System of Sifu Ian Protheroe

This video clearly demonstrates the no-nonsense approach to combat that has allowed the art to survive for over three centuries.

List Price: $65.00
Download Price $39.99
You save $25.01!
Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun - Bundle 1 DOWNLOAD: Leo Au Yeung - Wing Chun - Bundle 1

Get all 3 of Sifu Leo's Videos and save BIG!  Resolution: 1280 x 720

List Price: $89.97
Our Price: $57.97
Sale Price: $39.99
You save $49.98!
Sifu Fernandez - Wing Tchun Do - Dynamic Pak Sao Drills DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - Wing Tchun Do - Dynamic Pak Sao Drills

This is a must for all Wing Chun practitioners wanting to build super fast reflexes at close range for close quarters street combat. Fighterman (Sifu Fernandez) gives many demos and with clear explanations and slow motion replays this video will be a real eye opener.

List Price: $129.99
Download Price $42.99
You save $87.00!
Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal - Sight Beyond Sight (2 DVD Set) DOWNLOAD: Sifu Harinder Singh Sabharwal - Sight Beyond Sight Set

Energy Drills to Develop Sensitivity and Adaptability

List Price: $79.95
Our Price: $44.79
You save $35.16!
Bundle - Sunny Tang - Ving Tsun Kung Fu - 30th & 45th Anniversary Set DOWNLOAD: Bundle - Sunny Tang - Ving Tsun Kung Fu - Anniversary Set

Save 19% when you buy Sunny Tang's 30th and 45th Ving Tsun Anniversary videos together!

List Price: $69.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $25.00!
Ian Protheroe - Rattan Ring DVD DOWNLOAD: Ian Protheroe - Wing Chun Rattan Ring (PAL Format)

Sifu Protheroe has been a practitioner and advocate of the rattan ring for over 25 years. This video is an edited version of two, three hour seminars on the ring by Sifu Ian Protheroe. It runs for over 2.5 hours and covers basics, training drills, practical forms and a series of exercises for the Rattan Ring.

List Price: $65.00
Download Price $44.99
You save $20.01!
Jon Rister - Strike Control Break DOWNLOAD: Jon Rister - Wing Chun 12 - Strike Control Break

This is a 2-disk instructional video set that covers an aspect of Wing Chun rarely or inadequately taught. "Strike, Control, Break" refers to three aspects of close quarters combat that are crucial in dealing with violent confrontations and urgent engagements. This set also serves as a video companion to the book, "Wing Chun Strategies and Tactics II: Strike, Control, Break" written by Sifu Jon Rister and Sifu Alfred Huang.

List Price: $54.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $10.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 08 - Mok Yan Chong (Wooden Dummy) - Advanced DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 08 - Mok Yan Chong (Wooden Dummy) - Advanced

We further investigate the understanding of how to develop power with the form as Sifu Fernandez shows you step by step on how to develop power, flexibility in all the strikes.

List Price: $49.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $5.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 09 - Mok Yan Chong (Wooden Dummy) - Combat Drills DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 09 - Mok Yan Chong (Wooden Dummy) - Combat Drills

Increase your fighting skills. The wooden dummy is an overall powerful tool in helping you to develop a complete dynamic...

List Price: $49.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $5.00!
DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 24 - Chi Sao - Body Mechanics & Connective Work DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - WingTchunDo - Lesson 24 - Chi Sao - Body Mechanics and Connective Work

This program is guaranteed to increase your flexibility, strengthen you whole body naturally, and to teach you how to use the whole body to effectively to disperse the power of your enemy...

List Price: $49.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $5.00!
Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - Chi Sao Section 1 DVD DOWNLOAD: Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - 03 - Chi Sao Section 1

This video is a part of the Yip Man lineage. You will learn in this video the basic and important bodywork and footwork. Also you will learn: The right angle for Chi Sao, The spiral concept of the punch, The plum blossom footwork, How to use the weak site of the opponent, Important drills to increase your skill, The 5 important reactions: Bong Sao, Tan Sao, Cham Sao, Gan Sao, Jut Sao.

List Price: $64.99
Download Price $44.99
You save $20.00!
Jon Rister - Wing Chun 20 - Unconventional Trapping Vol 1 and 2 DOWNLOAD: Jon Rister - Wing Chun 20 - Unconventional Trapping Vol 1 and 2

This video set approaches this problem from the aspect of offense, when you are attacking or striking and the opponent keeps a tight posture like a boxer.
Resolution: 720 x 480. Running Time: 51 minutes

List Price: $92.00
Download Price $90.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $47.00!
Jon Rister - Joint Locks Vol 1 and 2 DOWNLOAD: Jon Rister - Joint Locks Vol 1 and 2

This training program is directed at using pain compliance or joint destruction. We put together 12 basic joint locks and placed them in a flow. Typically joint lock/breaks work by straightening/over-straightening the joint/limb or bending and twisting.  From a standpoint of self defense/survival it is to break the joint so the person can not continue to fight.  Resolution: 720x480. Running Time: 68 mins total.

List Price: $92.00
Download Price $90.00
Sale Price: $45.00
You save $47.00!
Gary Lam - Sil Nim Tau I & II DOWNLOAD: Gary Lam - Sil Nim Tau I & II

Gary Lam has held nothing back, revealing and explaining not only the SIU NIM TAO form, but also it's lethal street application.

List Price: $59.95
Download Price $47.95
You save $12.00!
David Peterson - Mook Yan Jong Seminar DVD: David Peterson - Mook Yan Jong Seminar

On this new video by Sifu David Peterson, the third in the seminar series, the viewer is taken through the famous Wing Chun Muk Yan Jong form as taught by the late Wong Shun Leung.

List Price: $49.95
Our Price: $48.95
You save $1.00!
Ian Protheroe - Wing Chun Three Star Dummy (Saam Sing Jong) DVD (PAL Format) DOWNLOAD: Ian Protheroe - Wing Chun Saam Sing Jong (Three Star Dummy)

The saam sing jong or three star dummy is a traditional training apparatus used predominately in the mainland China families of Wing Chun. Its primary purpose is to train dynamic balance, or balance in motion, in footwork and kicking technique. The jong was reportedly taught by the late grandmaster Yip Man to early, selected students, however there is little written evidence of this. Lo Man Kam, Yip mans nephew in Taiwan, and Leung Ting in Hong Kong, both include this jong in their training syllabus. To date there have been no definitive, recorded footwork or kicking patterns.

List Price: $65.00
Download Price $49.00
You save $16.00!
Bundle - Ip Chun - Classic Wing Chun Set DOWNLOAD: Bundle - Ip Chun - Classic Wing Chun Collection

The Ip Chun classics. These are the only two official videos Ip Chun made. Between them they cover all three empty hand forms, Chi Sao and the wooden dummy. Grab them now at a great price.

List Price: $90.00
Download Price $70.00
Sale Price: $49.99
You save $40.01!
Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - 41 -  Lat Sao for Student Degree 4 DOWNLOAD: Sifu Taner & Sifu Graziano - 41 - Lat Sao for Student Degree 4

The lat sao of the fourth student degree. Learn elbow and knee strikes, four attacks and combinations, application, and much more!

List Price: $59.99
Download Price $49.99
You save $10.00!
Bundle - Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form DOWNLOAD: Bundle - Chuck O'Neill - Wooden Dummy Form

You will be learn the Fourth form in the Wing Chun System - Muk Yang Jong (aka Wooden Dummy).Sifu Chuck takes you step-by-step through the sections of the form, providing plenty of details, 3 different viewing angles to give you a better perspective. Using 2 different colored arm bands and color coded dummy arms so you can easily follow along and learn with him. Also included the rarely seen Empty Jong Form!

List Price: $74.98
Download Price $52.99
You save $21.99!
Samuel Kwok - Mastering Wing Chun - Ip Man's Kung Fu Vol 13 - Fighting Seminar DOWNLOAD: Samuel Kwok - Mastering Ip Man Wing Chun Vol 13 - Fight Seminar

In this seminar, Grandmaster Kwok discusses taking the blindside or fighting on the outside gate. 3 hours.

List Price: $69.95
Download: $54.99
You save $14.96!
Sifu Fernandez - Wing Tchun Do DOWNLOAD: Sifu Fernandez - Wing Tchun Do

Wing Tchun Do is a system that connects many systems of martial arts together. Who studies Wing Tchun Do will be able to better understand the mechanics of almost any martial arts.

List Price: $129.99
Download Price $54.99
You save $75.00!
Bundle - Tony Massengill - Wing Chun Set DOWNLOAD: Bundle - Tony Massengill - Wing Chun Set

Save with this bundle of all 3 Master Instructor Tony Massengill's videos: Training Drills, Close Range Combat and Wing Chun Weapons.

List Price: $74.95
Download Price $54.99
You save $19.96!
DOWNLOAD: Robert Chu - MasterClass Wing Chun Kuen - 3 DVD Set DOWNLOAD: Robert Chu - MasterClass Wing Chun Kuen Set

This three-video Wing Chun series by Master Robert Chu is packed with information you won't find anywhere else. Sifu Robert Chu is widely regarded as a repository of Wing Chun knowledge, gained from many years of research and training.

List Price: $69.95
Download Price $55.99
You save $13.96!
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